Semester hours: 6.0
Exam mode: Written
Language: En
Links: CIT, Courses
Exams: 2019WS Endterm
2018WS Endterm


Does anybody know if attendance to exercise sessions in this course is mandatory in order to participate in the exam? Acccording to TUMOnline it is.

  • No, it’s not mandatory, that’s outdated info, you can check the course page.

Ok. But did the professor mention anything about the organizatinal mattters such as: exam type, obligatory attendance, etc. Thanks ?

  • Exams on the vision chair are usually oral only if there not more than 20-30 people taking it.
  • Attendance not obligatory.

Should I take this course if I started 5 weeks late?

  • It has videos, so you should be ok. Do the exercises.